Do you want to increase your visibility and profits by sharing your story?
By being a guest on other people's podcasts, you can connect with more clients, share your story, make stronger connections, get more eyes on your content, and even grow a new audience!
Who would not want that!
Podcasting can seem daunting and intimidating -- Oftentimes it is easy to second guess your credibility, be indecisive on what you would even share on a podcast, and wonder how people even book themselves on shows! Let me reassure you -- it is possible and you can do it.
If you have a desire to start showing up more... you will love my step-by-step guide to being a podcast guest. In the course you will learn:
Level 1: Knowing Your Story
You need clarity on what you want out of being a podcast.
Do you want to convert your following? Grow your following?
I'll show you how to solidify your goals so you can make the most out of being a podcast guest.
Level 2: Narrowing down the topic
I'll show you how to narrow down and solidify your podcast topic and messaging.
This course level is perfect if you have so many passions but don't know how to combine them into one podcast.
When you do this, you'll find it so much easier to get sales. 💸
So you can position yourself as an expert in your niche.
Level 3: Finding Podcasts To Guest Star On
I'll show you my step-by-step strategy for finding and applying to podcasts and getting booked! If you think being a guest on podcasts is only for the famous and well-known, I will change your mind on that.
It does not matter how many followers you have - hosts will want you on their show if you make the right first impression.
Level 4: Setting Up Your Audio
Is imposter syndrome getting in your way? Then, I'll show you exactly how you can look and sound professional when being a guest.
Level 5: Preparing to Record
Interview prep can be one of the scariest parts of wanting to be a guest - but I will show you how to overcome your fears step by step.
You will show up confidently and prepared!
Level 6: Marketing
Okay, so you've been a guest. Now what?
It's time to promote the episode! The more people listen, the more they will hear about you and your message.
I will show you my tips on promoting the episode and use it as leverage to get on even more podcasts! The better you promote, the better the episode will perform.
No tricks. No trial. Just great content designed to grow visibility and land you on podcasts!
Have questions? Send me an email
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