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Podcast Marketing Mistakes That Are Costing You Time And Money

Hayleigh Hayhurst

Let's face

it... podcast marketing can be so hard! As creatives, we love creating content, recording interviews, getting guests, maybe even making graphics, but for a lot of us, marketing is where we fall behind.

Even if your show is amazing, you still need amazing marketing to match.

Here are the 4 podcast marketing mistakes that I see DAILY! If I call you on something, don't get discouraged... it's always good to be aware!


1. Not spending time to find your audience.

Understanding your audience is SO much more important than anything else (other than having great content.) You need to know who you are speaking to in order to reach them.

  • What do they care about?

  • Where do they live?

  • What age are they?

  • What do they enjoy?

  • What do they value?

  • Where on the internet do they hang out?

These questions are crucial for your marketing success! I challenge you to sit down today figure this part out!

2. You don't have a call to action.

Where are you sending your listeners once the episode ends? How are you keeping them engaged between episodes?

For me, I ask all of my listeners to come and connect with me over on Instagram so I can engage with them and they can learn more from me.

What is your CTA?

3. You don't have a strategy!

If you are posting just to post, you are basically just wasting time. You need a rhythm and strategy of when you are posting, what you are posting, and most importantly - why you are posting. This goes back into steps 1 and 2! Know who you are posting for and know what you want them to do once the episode is over.

This is what I help my clients with mainly! Do you want to book a strategy session with me? Book here:

4. Your graphics are subpar.

If you aren't spending time to make your graphics look good, your audience may not follow you on social media. My pro tip: use Canva

Spend time on your graphics, it will pay off!

Have questions? Connect with me on Instagram or send me an email!

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